Its important for all staff working within children's homes / Supported Accommodation to understand the quality standards and frameworks they are working to. This one day course will provide staff with knowledge of the relevant standards and importantly how to provide these in practice on a day to day basis with young people. With the use of case studies, experimental discussions and reflection and planning on ensuring high compliance within the workplace.
Its not just the Children's Homes, Supported Accommodation or Fostering Regulations that are important to know. Managers and staff need to ensure they understand the 'looked after' procedures for young people who are in care of the Local Authority. Providing advocacy for children, ensuring children know their rights to ensure they receive the best service possible from those that are providing services for them. The Care Planning Regulations 2010 sets out the legislative framework for care planning, review and placements. The nitty gritty of social work visits, planning placements, contact arrangements and listening to the child's voice.
Ofsted uses the SCCIF as a framework for making judgements at inspections. The SCCIF focuses inspectors on gathering evidence for judgements on how a provider is making a difference to the lives of children. It is paramount for providers to ensure they evidence their practice, and by utilising a SCCIF document (dynamic) will help providers focus their practice and provide evidence of what they do on a day to day basis. This training will focus managers and senior staff on producing their own SCCIF and setting actions for development.
Risk Assessment is a considerable focus for any business, particularly for children's services. Caring for children and young people requires a constant understanding, identifying and anticipating risk to ensure safe risk management strategies. Risk assessment and management is a focus of all inspections, with safeguarding of young people paramount. This training will examine the home's risk management procedures, factors needed to identify risks bringing discussions around case studies concerning complex behaviours (eg CSE, County Lines, Aggression, Drug Use)
Having a robust and comprehensive response to complaints and whistleblowing ensures safety for children and for providers. Providers need to ensure that staff are fully aware of their procedures, how to respond effectively to complainants and importantly to evaluate, reflect and develop practice following any complaints.
SB Consultancy has developed a 3 day training pathway on Therapeutic Parenting for foster carers and residential support staff. The training is very practice led around day to day life in foster homes or residential services. It's foundation is centred around Developmental Trauma and Emotional Dysregulation. Participants will gain an understanding of the impact of trauma, loss and abuse on a child's development, understand the behaviours that can be presented and learn the skills for connection with children to help them manage their feelings, fears and triggers.
Regulations and Quality Standards set out the level of records and reporting required in foster and residential services - from daily notes to risk assessments, incident recording and care planning documentation. It's important that company policies are complied and additionally with an awareness that these records are for the benefit of the children and young people. The words and language used within documentation must be child focussed, awareness of its impact and how the child should be cared for.
This course for managers and senior staff focusses around case studies, best practice and Ofsted compliance. It will guide managers through scenarios to embed learning and reflection - from what is a serious incident to action planning.
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